Ethics and Compliance

HealthTrust Ethics and Compliance Program

Through our comprehensive ethics and compliance program, we ensure that our actions always reflect our mission, values, and code of conduct. HealthTrust encourages you to review and become familiar with the documents listed on this page.

Code of Conduct & Supplier Statement

To report a concern about a violation of our Code of Conduct or policies and procedures, contact HealthTrust’s Ethics and Compliance Officer. For anonymous reporting, contact our ethics line at (800) 345-7419.

*“New technology” is classified as a product that, as compared to existing products:

  • Offers significant technological advancements,
  • Improves clinical outcomes or patient care in a significant way (i.e., documented reduction in procedure times, outcomes, lengths of stay, readmissions, infection rates), or
  • Streamlines work processes and/or the economics of facility operations in a significant way (i.e., increase or decrease expenses in supply chain or resource utilization).

Demonstration of the above through independent, peer-reviewed publication(s) is beneficial, but not required.*