Suppliers with new technology invited to submit

Current and prospective suppliers whose products meet HealthTrust’s new technology definition* can submit products for review year-round. New products directly related to patient care, information technology or supply chain management that have received FDA approval via the 510k or PMA (pre-market approval) process, are eligible for submission through HealthTrust’s online Innovation Center

Internal subject matter experts and service line clinical experts from within the HealthTrust membership will review and determine if those products are clinically acceptable and if the financial and operational impacts are of such value to add them to the HealthTrust contract portfolio.

Submissions received by Jan. 15, 2020, may be considered for the Innovation Summit, March 16–18, 2020. Submissions received after that date will be reviewed and considered for addition to the HealthTrust contract portfolio through processes aligned with the sourcing work plan.

*Note: HealthTrust’s definition of “new technology” is classified as a product that, as compared to existing products:

• Offers significant technological advancements,

Significantly improves clinical outcomes or patient care (i.e. documented reduction in procedure times, outcomes, lengths of stay, readmissions, infection rates), or

• Significantly streamlines work processes and/or the economics of facility operations (i.e. increase or decrease expenses in supply chain or resource utilization).

Demonstration of this via independent, peer-reviewed publications is beneficial but not required.


Questions regarding innovation submissions may be sent here.

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