Benefits of Being a Contracted Supplier
HealthTrust is the only national committed-model group purchasing organization. Our members are exclusive to HealthTrust and do not belong to any other group purchasing organizations. We deliver unprecedented speed to scale through our aligned members and their concentrated market power. Since 1999, we’ve continued to strengthen our reputation as the high-compliance market leader that delivers on our promises to members and contracted suppliers alike. We expect the industry-best price from our suppliers and in return we deliver a committed market share. This committed model is the most efficient cost-to-serve GPO model in the industry.
HealthTrust engages the membership to determine the clinical, technical, operational, business and other criteria important for the specific bid category. Some of the minimum criteria that a supplier must meet to be considered for participation on a national contract bid process includes but is not limited to the criteria below. Inability to meet any of the following criteria may result in a supplier not being considered for inclusion in a national bid process.
- The supplier’s products and services meet or exceed the appropriate level of quality, durability and cost effectiveness as deemed necessary by HealthTrust and its member-driven decision making process.
- The supplier’s distribution system can accommodate HealthTrust’s membership without undue delays.
- The supplier must demonstrate financial stability and long-term viability.
- The supplier must act in a manner consistent with the provisions set forth in our supplier Business Relationship Statement.
- The supplier must meet the terms and conditions of the contract as deemed necessary by HealthTrust and its member-driven decision making process.
- Certain contractual terms are non-negotiable such as: Compliance with all federal, state and local laws, ordinances, and regulations. Prohibiting any form of human trafficking, child labor or other exploitation of children, be in compliance with applicable labor and employment laws and standards, including the international Labour Organizations’ Minimum Age Convention (No. 138). Compliance with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission disclosure rules and other regulations regarding “conflict minerals.
- The supplier must agree to an administrative fee.
All prospective suppliers need to review the bid schedule and complete the form to provide information so that you can be reviewed, and perhaps considered for participation in a bid process.
Please review our bid categories before completing the supplier form.
New Suppliers: The process begins with you completing a supplier form which includes needed information for existing as well as prospective HealthTrust suppliers. The form contains key information about your company, your Tax ID, your interest in HealthTrust categories, contacts, etc. Once submitted, your information will be reviewed in relation to the category you have selected, to determine if you will be considered for participation in a bid process. If you will be considered for participation, you will receive a registration link as well as further information about the sourcing event.
Prospective and Existing Suppliers: Please complete and submit the supplier form by using the link below.
IMPORTANT: Completion and submission of the supplier form does not guarantee that your company will be considered or included in a bid process.

Recognizing Innovation
HealthTrust is committed to innovative products and technologies that have the potential to be disruptive solutions. Our internal team will review and share truly transformative ideas to determine how best to organize around innovation with our membership.
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Vendor Credentialing
HealthTrust and many of its members champion a vendor credentialing standard that addresses safety and regulatory issues.
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Supplier Opportunities
HealthTrust’s Supplier Opportunities program is recognized by many as the most successful in the healthcare industry. Companies must be certified to be recognized through our program.
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HealthTrust is guided by a robust corporate Code of Conduct. We adhere to stringent standards and practices that apply to members, suppliers and employees to ensure work is done in an ethical and legal manner.
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Supplier Opportunities
HealthTrust is committed to providing opportunities by ensuring fair consideration as suppliers of contracted products and services. When you register via the Prospective Supplier Profile, you’ll have an opportunity to indicate that you’re a certain supplier so that when a bid opportunity arises the information is passed on to the appropriate sourcing personnel.
HealthTrust’s program is recognized by many as the most successful in the healthcare industry. Companies must be certified to be recognized through our program. HealthTrust accepts certification from:
- Association for Service Disabled Veterans
- Women’s Business Enterprise National Council
- Small Business Administration
- National Minority Supplier Development Council