HealthTrust hosts inaugural live bidding event

woman posing for photo
Junette Grant

Operating room surgical tables are big-expense items. Imagine the benefit to health systems of earning enhanced savings as well as other value-added services—especially if they need to purchase several of these tables per year. For member organizations committing to standardize, that value became a reality when HealthTrust hosted a live-bidding event.

“Additional savings and incentives for participating members was the objective behind our first live-bidding event and the participating member’s standardization commitment enabled a great outcome,” shares Strategic Sourcing AVP Junette Grant and VP Eric Swaim, co-leaders of the initiative.

The process & timeline

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Eric Swaim

HealthTrust’s five on-contract suppliers competed to provide OR surgical tables to member organizations that agreed to commit to purchase from the best-value bidding supplier for one year.

Collaborating with Jennifer Westendorf, DNP, RN, CNOR, AVP, Environmental Performance & Surgical Services, the Surgical Advisory Board (SAB) and other members were polled in advance and committed to purchase from the winning supplier in exchange for value-added services and double-digit savings.

At the HealthTrust University Conference in August, participating members and SAB advisors had the opportunity to evaluate the surgical tables and engage with participating suppliers in the exhibit hall. “Having the opportunity to see the tables in-person, as well as obtain answers to clinical questions, was critical for members to ensure they made the best decision for their organization,” says Westendorf.

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Jennifer Westendorf, DNP, RN, CNOR

During September’s live two-day event, the five suppliers and representatives from participating member organizations were all at HealthTrust headquarters in Nashville. “Members used a weighted scorecard to evaluate the rounds of bids, considering criteria such as clinical feedback, discount percentage, trade-in allowance and after-sale maintenance services,” Swaim explains.

A contract with the “winning” supplier was signed in October. That supplier can anticipate over 80% market share commitment for the next year from the participating members.

Since the event, member and team feedback has been positive. “Overall, we’re pleased with the success of this inaugural effort and we have developed a blueprint to guide us in future live bids,” adds Grant.

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